CKS Actorsagency Hamburg (Main agency)
Vlasta Lische
+49 176 2482 5235
open agency on Filmmakers

About me

Vlasto Peyitch is comfortable playing the gangster. However he has also played the professor and the nice husband seated on the sofa next to his wife (The Errand of Angels). The Yugoslavian born actor has shown his flexibility as he has appeared in many independent films, mostly shot in Germany. In the last several years he has also been seen in important TV and movie roles. 2011 proved to be his busiest year in that he worked in over 15 productions. He was cast in TV, movies, independent film and a few short films, (also professionally produced), often traveling between Berlin, and Munich(Bavaria), Switzerland. He has also proved his skills in the commercial market with his effective character face. He is involved in VoiceActing and VO for commercials, playing a Harmonica and creating riffs and jingles, melodies if needed. Favored accents are: English(British) and (north-american) French, Italian, Russian, Slavic, Hindi, German...
- IMDb Mini Biography By: Vlasta Lische, Agency


Acting age
52-69 years
Year of birth
1956 (69 years)
Place of birth
Gor. Podgradci
Height (cm)
Weight (in kg)
Eye color
Hair color
Hair length
Bald head
Ethnicity and heritage
White or Caucasian
athletic / training, normal
Place of residence
Belgrade (RS)
Housing options
Amsterdam (NL), New York (US), Venice (IT), Los Angeles (US), Vienna (AT), Hamburg (DE), Warsaw (PL), Nicosia (CY), Limassol (CY), Zürich (CH), Sarajevo (BA)
Dutch, Serbian
Bosnian(native)German(native)Serbo-Croatian(native)EnglishDutch, Flemish
HarmonicaGuitarJew's harp
Miniature golfBadmintonCanoeFrisbeeHandballJugglingKayakRowingSwimmingTable tennisTennis
Main profession
Advertising actor, Dubbing actor, Model, Speaker
Special skills
Impressionist/ voice impressionistAudio dramaComposingModel(cartoon) voice acting
Driver's licenses
B - Car


Other professional training

Michael Webb, privat


Galileo Spezial - The Choice of Germany. Das Kanzlerexperiment (Interaktiver Webfilm) (Documentary series)
Regierungschef - ITA (SR) Tobias Bräuhauser Producer: Tape Film [de] Station: ProSieben [de]
I Owe You - The Last Chance (Short film)
Gangsterboss (MR) Erik Markus Schuetz Producer: Albert Werner Produktion [de]
Eternal Midnight (Feature film)
Prof. Maynard (SR) Adrian Heinrich Producer: Red Raccoon Films, Buckentin, Heinrich, Op ‘t Root GbR
One Shot Left (Feature film)
Söldner (SR) Manuel Vogel Producer: Nomis Studios GmbH
Bruder (Short film)
Mr. Wallberg (MR) Manuel Kraus Producer: Manuel Kraus Produktion [de]
Grimms Kinder - Die Boten des Todes
Wolf (SR) Thomas Pill Producer: Wizzard Entertainment, Thomas Pill Produktion [de]
Bic Life (Short film)
Milan (SR) Jens Saul Producer: Crowny Productions, Andreas Schlumprecht
Dämonisch (Short film)
Dämonenstimme (SR) Benjamin Bechtold Producer: Fearling Entertainment, Benjamin Bechtold [de]
Rasputin (Short film)
Rasputin (MR) Frank Walter Producer: Bavaria Film GmbH [de]
Lottogewinn (Short film)
Kameramann Tietze (SR) Natalia Mamaj Producer: Natalia Mamaj Produktion
Tarzan 3D (Cinema film)
motion capture actor (SR) Reinhard Klooss Producer: Constantin Film [de]
Stille Nacht (Feature film)
Doctor (SR) Christian Vuissa Producer: Mirror Films [us]
Scotchend (Short film)
Frank (SR) Sebastian Lange Producer: F+F Schule für Kunst und Design [ch]
Eine kurze Abhandlung über den Kosmos (Short film)
Das Gegenüber (SR) Michael Wende Producer: Drehbuchwerkstatt Deggendorf / München
Dendrologium (Feature film)
Der Förster (SR) Rafael Stemplewski Producer: Oculus Oceani, Rafael Stemplewski
Und sie kehrten niemals wieder (DVD) (Feature film)
Frederik Chamberlain (MR) Günther Brandl Producer: Brandl Pictures [de]
Fette Fünfzigtausend (Fette 50.000) (Short film)
Juri (MR) Christopher Pawelczak Producer: Oldenbourg.Unterhaltungs.Film Produktion
Orchestra of Exiles (Documentary)
Chaim Weizmann (SR) Josh Aronson Producer: Aronson Films Associates
Dirty Laundry (Short film)
Adrian (SR) Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey Producer: umkehrfilm, Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey
Bruises, Cake, & Cigarettes (Short film)
Spätkauf clerk (SR) Mariana Jukica Producer: Tilted Frame Productions
Kunstspiel (Short film)
Kommissar Eckert (MR) Josef Fasching Producer: Media School Bayern gGmbH (formerly afk tv, Aus- und Fortbildungsfernsehen) [de]
Deep in my Mind (DVD) (Feature film)
Grzegorz Stajner (MR) Günther Brandl Producer: Brandl Pictures [de]
Amor (Short film)
Gott (MR) Jennifer Dester Producer: Macromedia [de]
Ich wäre gerne (Short film)
Eduard Kramer (MR) Adrian Copitzky Producer: AF-Film, Faißt, Copitzky und Kayan
Grau - Blau (Short film)
Michael Lärchner (SR) Sabrina Proske Producer: Medienzentrum München (MZM)
Legend of Hell (Feature film)
Matthew (SR) Olaf Ittenbach Producer: Imas Film [de]
The Errand of Angels (Cinema film)
Man with Cookies (SR) Christian Vuissa Producer: Mirror Films [us]
Phonomanie (Short film)
Prof. Shabalin (SR) Bernhard Fuchs Producer: Fuchs Film - Bernhard Fuchs GbR
The German Teacher (Cinema film)
Max (SR) John Figueroa Producer: Asphalt Jungle Media Production, John Figueroa
Aquarienpflege (Short film)
Boss (MR) Ingo Kaddatz Producer: Ingo Kadatz Produktion
Lapis Meridius (Feature film)
Joseph of Armathia (SR) Axel Loh Producer: Frame Store Film & Entertainment GmbH [de]
Royal Trash (Short film)
Alessandro (MR) Benedikt Burkhardt Producer: Newcin Produktion


Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst (TV magazine)
Tado Loncar (MR) Christoph Klünker Producer: Securitel GmbH [de] Station: ZDF [de]
In Gefahr - Ein verhängnisvoller Moment (TV series)
Remo Berger (SR) diverse Producer: Constantin Entertainment GmbH Station: SAT.1
Die Chefin (TV series)
Anwalt diverse Producer: Network Movie Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH Station: ORF [at], SRF [ch], ZDF [de]
Galileo (TV magazine)
Jongleur Andreas Einbeck Producer: ProSiebenSat1 Produktion GmbH [de] Station: ProSieben [de]
Tatort - Aus der Tiefe der Zeit (TV movie (series))
Leiter Betrugsdezernat Dominik Graf Producer: Avista Film [de] Station: BR [de]
Forsthaus Falkenau (TV series)
Herr Köberl diverse Producer: ndF neue deutsche Filmgesellschaft mbH Station: ZDF [de]
Rommel (TV movie)
Offizier Beckenbach Niki Stein Producer: TeamWorx Television & Film GmbH [de] Station: ARD [de], BR [de], Degeto [de], ORF [at], SWR [de]
Anna und die Liebe (TV series)
Wächter diverse Producer: Producers at Work GmbH Station: SAT.1
München '72 - Das Attentat (TV movie)
Presse Dror Zahavi Producer: TeamWorx Television & Film GmbH [de] Station: ZDF [de]
Lux et Umbra - Angelorum (DVD / Aufzeichnung) (Eventfilm)
Herzog Albrecht von Troisdorf (MR) Axel Loh Producer: Frame Store Film & Entertainment GmbH [de]
Sturm der Liebe (TV series)
Albert Hesse (SR) diverse Producer: Bavaria Fiction GmbH Station: ARD [de], Degeto [de]
Zombies from outer Space (DVD) (TV movie)
Prof. Stock (SR) Martin Faltermeier Producer: Fear4you Pictures, Martin Faltermeier
Die Comedy-Falle (TV show)
Großhof Episodenrolle (MR) Nicole Sachtleben Producer: Constantin Entertainment GmbH Station: SAT.1
KTI - Menschen lügen, Beweise nicht (Documentary series)
Stefan Ramersdorf (SR) diverse Producer: Constantin Entertainment GmbH Station: RTL Zwei [de], SAT.1
Mein schlimmster Tag (TV show)
Sergej Beresinskij Episodenrolle (MR) Carsten Kattau Producer: Anaconda TV Medienproduktion GmbH [de] Station: kabel eins [de]
Stadt, Land, Mord! - Verlorene Liebe (TV movie (series))
Versuchsleiter (SR) Dennis Satin Producer: Annabelle Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH [de] Station: SAT.1
Damnatus - Der Feind im Innern (DVD) (TV movie)
Oktavian (MR) Huan Vu Producer: Sphärentor Filmproduktionen, Vu & Roth GbR [de]
Im Zweifel für die Liebe (TV movie)
Annoncier (SR) Johannes Fabrick Producer: TV60Filmproduktion GmbH Station: ARD [de], Degeto [de]
Doppelter Einsatz - Herz der Finsternis (TV movie (series))
Oberkellner Thomas Jauch Producer: Studio Hamburg FilmProduktion GmbH [de] Station: RTL [de]
Olli, Tiere, Sensationen (TV show)
Serge Sattler (SR) Andy Bierschenk Producer: PSG Production Service GmbH [de] Station: ZDF [de]


Lux et Umbra - Angelorum
Herzog Albrecht von Troisdorf Axel Loh Theater: Open Air - Olympiagelände München


One Shot Left (Dubbing)
Zentrale--Off-Stimme Manuel Vogel Producer: Nomis Studios GmbH
Damnatus-Der Feind im Innern (Speaker)
Producer: Sphärentor Filmproduktion


Faust - Im Schatten der Nation. Agentenleben (Series)
Sergey Sokolow (SR) Christian Kern Producer: Wir sind Film e.V.
Homi - Warrior Children feat. James Rodriguez (Social Spot) (Trailer)
Mysterious Man Camilo Matiz Producer: Colombo Films [co]
Die Käpsele (Teaser (series concept))
Ruben (SR) Larissa Bauer Producer: Geistreich GbR
One Shot Left
Ducati - Jesus (Spec-Spot)
Jünger Petrus (SR) Max Mayer Producer: Ivory Productions GmbH & Co. KG
Faust - Im Schatten der Nation. Agentenleben (Series)
Sergey Sokolow (MR) Christian Kern Producer: Film² (filmhochzwei), Christian Kern
myStoryTV - Gemeinsam (Trailer)
Künstler (MR) Daniel Hofmann Producer: myStoryTV
Goethe Institut - Erste Wege nach Deutschland (Lehrfilm-Webserie) (Instructional series)
Makler (MR) Hanni Welter Producer: Context-Film
Allianz - Das Objekt - Willkommen zur Videokonferenz (Instructional movie)
Herr Lang (MR) Dario Manns Producer: handgedreht, Dario Manns


Undead Apocalypse (Webserie) (Series)
Dr. Berg (SR) Lars Epting Producer: Homestonearts [ch]


Dynafit - Squad (Image movie)
Priester Andi Gschossmann Producer: Beech Studios
SRF - Die Schweiz im Herzen (Commercial)
Forscher (MR) Stephan Usteri Producer: WirzFraefelPaal Productions AG [ch]
DACIA - Konterrevolution (Commercial)
Demonstrant Markus Walter Producer: Markenfilm GmbH & Co. KG
TV-Warszawa - Werbetrenner '08 (Image movie)
Artist (MR) Sebastian Cramer Producer: Velvet Mediendesign [de]
DSF - Poker (Opener) (Commercial)
Pokerspieler (MR) Armin Reinhardt Producer: r-design, Armin Reinhardt